Carving Glass

glass carving Vancouver Washington by Ron BranchThis was a particularly challenging project that came through last month. The image is of a scientific model of a theory of some sort regarding protein … I think. It was commissioned by the father of the theoretician. The etching might be a bit confusing to look at because many of the shadows are created with two-dimensional shading while others are actual real shadows cast by the lit edges of the carved forms – so even though it may not look like it, this is all happening on one piece of flat glass.

(click on the image to enlarge)

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‘Tis the Season

sanblast gun

latest rockCrop circle season has begun, which means I’ll be doing some stone carvings again to be sure. One evening recently I had time to make this latest piece – my favorite so far. You can read more on this subject here“.

You may have noticed our store has nothing in it yet, but this is going to change soon. Undoubtedly some of the first items will be various stone products that are almost ready. Our goal is to be heavily stocked with unique gifts by next holiday shopping season.

More info and updates coming soon.

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Work Work Work!

sandblasted glass by Ron Branch in Vancouver WashingtonHappy to report that I’ve been too busy to keep the website up-to-date. I’ll try to quickly catch up. Another restaurant job came in from Chuck Franklin and I managed to snap a few pictures this time. I know chuck got some pictures too which will hopefully go up on his website shortly.

With that job finished I am immediately on to another big one which is another library (Troutdale) with Marlene Bauer. The deadline is going to come quickly – it’s going to take all waking hours for the next three or four weeks.

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Another New Toy!

glass carving Vancouver Washington by Ron BranchI’m now using “photo resist” which allows for extremely detailed and precise work. It is especially handy for tiny lettering on plaques, awards and signage.

I had to buy a few new things and some specialized materials, but I think the results are worth the investment.

(Click on the image for a larger view)

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