The Narcolepsy Trap

This endlessly strange life became oh so much stranger last year when I was hit hard with an as of yet undiagnosed condition that in every way seems to be a very severe “late onset” case of “Type 1 Narcolepsy.
In this video you can observe many examples of my symptoms such as EDS (exsessive daytime sleepiness), Sleep-Attack, Micro-Sleep, and various forms of Cataplexy which untreated make normal functioning impossible.
So why the post title “The Narcolepsy Trap”? It has several layers of meaning…
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Triggered Cataplexy

Although I am determined, I really can’t be sure when I’ll catch an actual collapse event on video. They really only occur when the trigger is a suprise. Usually there are warnings felt in the body right before it hits and so even actual collapses can look more like a melting or slumping motion.
This though is the most dramatic close-up view of the symptom I’ve gotten yet. I’m happy with the capture because with music as the emotional trigger we are able to “see” exactly what the brain is reacting to.
Fair warning, although this is one of those “wait for it” videos, what finally happens toward the end could be disturbing to some.
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Undiagnosed Sniffelepsy


I want you to imagine if you can a world in which narcolepsy is known rather as sniffelepsy and it’s main symptoms of “sleepiness and cataplexy” are instead “having a runny nose… and sneezing”
In this world as a Type 2 Sniffelepctic your main symptom would be having a runny nose, but not just any runny nose…
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